Rockwall Counseling & Wellness

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Counselor Spotlight - Maddie Falk, LPC

this week on the blog…

We’d love to introduce you to Maddie Falk, LPC. Maddie works out of our Heath office. We are so grateful for her wisdom and passionate care for her clients. Check out her answers to our interview questions to learn more about Maddie and her practice!

Tell us a little about your journey to becoming a counselor. Where did you go to school? What are your degrees in? Are you originally from the Rockwall area?

 I attended Dallas Baptist University and received my undergraduate degree in Communication as well as my Masters in Counseling. I did not grow up in the Rockwall area but I have loved every moment of living here! 

What type of therapy are you most passionate about? Why?

 I am passionate about helping moms find their footing as they navigate postpartum issues and finding balance in their new role. I also enjoy helping clients process things from the past and walk with them on the journey to emotional healing. 

If you could have any job besides the one you have now, what would you want to be doing?

  I would love to be an author. I have had several small poems and articles published from the time I was in elementary school through my adult years. I hope to write a book someday! 

What do you feel the biggest struggle facing your clients is?

 A big struggle I’ve noticed is difficulty processing painful emotions and negative self talk. 

Who in your life do you most look up to? Why?

I look up to my parents because of their love and care for others. They are intentional and servant hearted and have a positive impact on everyone they meet.  

What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self?

 Go visit your grandparents more. Soak in their stories and perspective. 

What would you say to someone who is considering starting therapy, but doesn’t know if it’s worth the time or money?

Therapy opens the door to healing through being seen, felt, and validated and is 100% worth it! I’ve never heard anyone say they regret going to therapy.

Are you a dog person or a cat person? 

Dog person 100%! I have 2 large goldendoodles. 

Do pineapples belong on pizza? 

Absolutely not. 

What’s your favorite place to go out to eat in Rockwall? 


What do you like to do in your free time? 

I love to run! I ran a marathon in 2020 and have run 10+ half marathons.

What’s your favorite time of year? 

Fall. I love the nice weather and watching the leaves change. 

Tell us a little about your family.

I have been married for almost 7 years and have an adorable and adventurous 17 month old. 

What is your favorite place to visit?  

I love the mountains, we have hiked in Oregon, Colorado, California, and Washington. 

If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why? 

I would like to have dinner with Fred Rogers. He was an incredibly kind and intentional individual and I would love to learn from him. 

Are you more introverted, extroverted, or a mixture of both? 

I am the only extrovert in my family. Motherhood has helped me appreciate alone time a little bit more!