Counselor Spotlight - Juliana Long, LPC, RPT

this week on the blog…

We’d love to introduce you to Juliana Long! Juliana is one of the Play Therapists here at Rockwall Counseling and Wellness, and we are so thankful for her passion and expertise. 

Tell us a little about your journey to becoming a counselor. Where did you go to school? What are your degrees in? Are you originally from the Rockwall area?

I went to Texas A&M and received a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Leadership Studies. After that, I went to Dallas Theological Seminary and received a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling. I never lived in DFW until starting my Master’s, but I met my husband here and we’ve made it home! 

What type of therapy are you most passionate about? Why?

I see all ages in therapy and I am very passionate about clients struggling with anxiety and OCD symptoms. It’s a population that is easily misunderstood and often misdiagnosed. I really enjoy the honor of supporting clients as they grow to understand themselves more and branch out of their comfort zones to regain control over their lives. 

If you could have any job besides the one you have now, what would you want to be doing?

Probably something with rescue dogs. I have two of my own! I love the rescue process and the ability to give a dog a second chance.

What do you feel the biggest struggle facing your clients is?

Technology’s role in our lives. It’s something that has evolved very rapidly over the years and is hard to keep up with. It exposes us all to much more than we are created to take in at one time and takes us away from our actual reality. This can lead to all sorts of consequences on our mental health. 

Who in your life do you most look up to? Why?

My parents. They have both worked incredibly hard to break generational trauma and do better for their children than they were given as kids. 

What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self?

You have the option to wait and see what actually happens instead of devoting so much of your time to worrying about what might happen. 

What would you say to someone who is considering starting therapy, but doesn’t know if it’s worth the time or money?

Therapy is an investment in ourselves and in our future. Giving ourselves and those around us the gift of healing is something that can change the rest of our lives and impact the lives of those closest to us.  

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

I have owned both and love both, but my husband is allergic to cats so we are a dog family these days! 

Do pineapples belong on pizza?

Maybe on yours but not on mine! 

What’s your favorite place to go out to eat in Rockwall?

Standard Service 

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to read, go to Aggie football games, cook new recipes, try new restaurants, and go on walks with my husband and our dogs. 

What’s your favorite time of year?

Summer! I love warm weather and a longer days. 

Tell us a little about your family.

I am the oldest of three and my younger brothers are twins. My parents live in College Station- my mom teaches high school and my dad is a professor at Texas A&M in the engineering department. I am married to Travis who is also a counselor!

What is your favorite place to visit?
I love to travel!  Earlier this year, I got to visit Cuba and it was an amazing time. My grandfather immigrated from Cuba as a teenager and I have always wanted to learn more about my heritage. I’d love to go back and spend more time with family there!

If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
Queen Elizabeth II. She was thrown into the role of Queen because her uncle abdicated the throne and handled her reign with dignity and grace. I would love to learn more about her story from her! 

Are you more introverted, extroverted, or a mixture of both?

Introverted! I love being with people but I definitely recharge when I get to be alone.